Monday, July 5, 2010


Life has been sobering over the past few years.

Firstly, I found that my wings were not as powerful as I had thought, and now as things settle down I find that fine tendrils of ribbon are keeping me from soaring freely. 

This challenge has changed everything about my life, and that has taken some getting used to.

Most of all I have had to alter my dreams.  And I've discovered that it's not a bad thing. 

When I was first hit with this pain and weakness, my future plans came crashing down around me and I felt completely terrified and alone.  

I had previously had a very active dreaming existence, where I planned to move here, holiday there, do volunteer work elsewhere.  I was competitive and wanted to do everything (and do it well).  My dreams roved, unleashed and chaotic.

It has taken time and a different kind of strength to realise that this physical setback has helped me to focus on what is really important to me. 

Now, I have limits.

Now,  I am much happier than I have ever been.